How can sustainability support business when it comes to the process of transforming the economy? This question is on the minds of experts around the world. And what can China, for example, learn from Germany in terms of the Green Economy? This was the topic of a presentation which the Carl Duisberg Centren has carried out in cooperation with the German Economic Institute (IW).
The Shenzhen Reform and Opening Cadre Institute assigned Carl Duisberg Centren for this virtual program. They train young executives for politics and public administration in the rapidly growing metropolis of southern China.
Dr. Adriana Neligan from the German Economic Institute first gave an overview of the development of the environmental economy in Germany, the role of green technologies for Germany as a business location and the role of consumers for sustainability.
Her colleague, Thomas Puls, continued with an indepth focus on the transport sector and, in particular, the German automotive industry. An exciting topic, as all participants agreed, not least because of the close interaction between the German automotive industry and the Chinese market.
With events like this, Carl Duisberg Centren strives to offer education for sustainable development and to promote international exchange specifically in the field of sustainability.